Main Study
Flow and termination
The average period of study to the RPJAM amounts to 4 years, the minimum study time to 3 years.
These three years are divided into two sections: “2 plus 1”. After the two first years an intermediate test takes place. Here the altogether achieved creditpoints are added and after achieving the given minimum score it´s possible to shorten the study down to 3 years.
The first two years are instrument-focused. The third year puts the emphasis on the work on own, final exam-relevant projects and the own further career.
In each year 40 (4×10) weeks instruction take place, 12 weeks are holidays. Here we depend on the Hessian vacation calendar, summer holidays occur during the 6 weeks until september 1st, so that a long-term planning with individual time management is possible.
Instruction is a mixture from group-lessons, private lessons, workshops and project-based active work.
For all instruments a general essential structure is intended, which is modified instrument-specifically:
- Talent at the instrument
- General music teachings
- Ear training
- Harmony teachings
- Methodology
- Didactics
- Music education
- music-business / music-law
- Studio-technics
- Economics
The main study starts march 1st and september 1st of each year.
The three year study state proved Audio Engineer / Music Producer
Job description
Music production developed from the collaboration between the producers’ vision of music, the technical responsibilities of the sound engineers and sound technicians, the composers’ idea of the music structure, the musicians who play the song and the mastering studios.
Nowadays these fields are usually combined as responsibilities of one person – the Music Producer / Audio Engineer.
He is also responsible for the market adaption regarding new developments and implementations of today’s rapid changes in the music business.
He is responsible for the overall development and realization until the completion of the production-process, including the arrangement and recording.
Technical and music specific knowledge and skills are his tools he works with and makes him a successful Producer / Programmer in the music business.
Over the past years the music business changed. Music productions diverted from big major labels to small but not less sophisticated smaller labels, productions and publishers.
With Social Media networks and tools like YouTube, Facebook etc. independent production companies are able to promote their works and reach the the general public. And there are many examples how musicians and music productions found their way to the big stages through Social Media.
The elements and courses for this subject are wide ranging compared to the study program for the degree of state proved musician and lecturer. The structure is more demanding adapted to the requirements to music industry developments and to achieve general and specific knowledge of music production related hardware and software. The core competencies also consist of the knowledge how to play and arrange instruments like drums, vocals, guitars, bass next to keyboard and piano, as well as strong communication competencies and skills to communicate with musicians who are involved in this creative process and about ideas and realizations.
Studio production
History of production
Film production
Programming / music styles programming
Arrangement / Composition
Final projects
Hardware basics
Keys & production
Practikal workout studio production
Practikal workout live production
Second instruments keyboard, vocals, guitar, drums, bass
Music-theory / eartraining
Live-on-stage / second instrument
Music-business / Music-law
The “One-year”
This programm is made for people, who
- … are not able to join a full time education because of family, job etc.
- … couldn´t cope the content of our entrance examination in our 3 years running programm, or
- … just want to check out, if becoming a music-pro is the right decision for a further career.
Here no entrance-examination is requirered, just a meeting to check out given skills and find contents for an individual course. Therefore we just fix a date.
Once a week the schedule consists out of main study, theory / ear training and live-on-stage playing. More individual solutions are possible. For example Studio / Engineering. After one year a diploma confirms the contents of the education.
If you made up your mind to go further into the direction becoming a professional musician after the “one-year” education, it´s possible to start into the main study without our entrance-examination.
The “one-year” education starts parallel to out main study at march 1st and september 1st each year.
E-Mail: office@rpjam.de